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Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards Jury
10/27/2021 11:13:33
Skål International News
The evaluation of the 2021 edition of the Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards has now finalised. We are pleased to present you our three jury members for the 20th Sustainable Tourism Awards.
October'21 Message from the CEO
10/27/2021 08:48:16
Corporate News
Vaccines and the reopening of borders are spurring a recovery of tourism.
October'21 Message from the President
10/27/2021 08:20:35
Corporate News
Skål International is alive and well.
Webinar 'Working together to end the sexual exploitation of children'
10/13/2021 10:43:00
Resource Centre
Skål International Webinar Series #RebuildingTourism
'What can you do today to make a difference? Working together to end the sexual exploitation of children'.
With the participation of The Code.
'What can you do today to make a difference? Working together to end the sexual exploitation of children'.
With the participation of The Code.
Why Join Skål International?
10/01/2021 15:48:05
Resource Centre
This is the recorded session held last 29 September 2021, hosted by Burcin Turkkan (Senior Vice President & PR, Communications and Social Media at Skål International) and Lavonne Wittmann (Interim Director Member Relations & Engagement at Skål International), inviting all professionals in the travel and tourism industry to join Skål International and take advantage of the benefits of being a member of the world’s largest networking organisation.
How to make use of Content Creators successfully for your Brand
08/27/2021 11:06:06
Corporate News
Alison Partridge, Skålleague of the Month - August'21
08/27/2021 11:05:16
Corporate News
I was born in southern England, UK. We immigrated to Canada when I was 8 years old, settling in Victoria, British Columbia after 18 months in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
August'21 Message from the President
08/27/2021 11:05:18
Corporate News
The positives we can look forward to… The world is re-opening and as members of a Travel and Tourism Organization, we need to embrace the opportunities.
Skål International History: 1936
07/27/2021 20:19:52
Corporate News
There were some cancellations during that year. Florimond Volckaert recognises this and attributes it to the indifference of some new, more challenging clauses relating to the recruitment of members.
Second survey for the Skål Travel and Tourism global Index
07/27/2021 18:25:15
Corporate News
The second survey for the Skål Travel and Tourism global Index (Skål TTgI) has started. Answers come dribbling in with some great comments.
A prescription for optimism
07/27/2021 18:04:08
Corporate News
Not too long ago we were talking about the prospects of a vaccine with a sense of optimism.
Vaccines are vital for the travel and hospitality businesses to return to normal.
Vaccines are vital for the travel and hospitality businesses to return to normal.
Artificial intelligence is redefining the hospitality industry
07/27/2021 17:34:47
Corporate News
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hot topics these days.
Especially after the beginning of the pandemic, the much-expected involvement of big data and AI has taken a significantly faster pace in almost every industry.
Especially after the beginning of the pandemic, the much-expected involvement of big data and AI has taken a significantly faster pace in almost every industry.
Great success of entries for the 20th edition of the Sustainable Tourism Awards
07/27/2021 15:57:48
Skål International News
The 20th edition of the Sustainable Tourism Awards has proved to be another success, with 50 entries received from 27 countries worldwide.